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Dieser Rap entstand 2014 im Rahmen eines Workshops mit dem Rapper SPAX und Schülern der Sekundarstufe I.
Rap gegen Gewalt
Berufswahl- und ausbildungsfreundliche Schule 2015-2017
Berufswahl- und ausbildungsfreundliche Schule 2015-2017
Berufswahl- und ausbildungsfreundliche Schule 2012-2014
Berufswahl- und ausbildungsfreundliche Schule 2012-2014

The White Horse Theatre at Our School

On 24th of September, the White Horse Theatre played “Salt and Vinegar” in the KGS Sehnde assembly hall for students in grades 7 to 9.

The play was about two best friends who drove to a summer camp in Scotland. In this camp, they got to know two girls. The boys were called Tommy and Grant and the girls Ellie and Wendy. In their first summer, the boys and the girls didn’t do anthing together, but in the second summer Grant and Wendy got together. Tommy didn’t like it. Because of that he tried to destroy their love. He did it, but not so long after Ellie tried to tell her friends about Tommy’s and her own complete plan. Grant and Wendy were together again.

Ellie, Wendy and Grant were friends again but Tommy was alone now.


Sometimes, the storyline was a bit random but they played only on a small stage. I understood everything they talked about. All in all, it was good and I would like to go to a play of the White Horse Theatre again because they performed so well. (By Lennart J., grade 8)

Fotos: Katja Romey